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Name: Tim <E-mail>
Subject: Re: Album release delay?!
Date: 2002/05/23 10:27:17
Reference: msg/02447

Can any Seiko Fan tell me what has happen ?
How come the release date can change ?
Is Seiko going to proceed with the new songs in her usual opening style ?
Oh gosh ! I guess it must be the production problem, therfore there is a delay.
I dun think there is any other reasons for the delay.

By the way, this year 2002, there will be 3 Seiko Fan from Singapore
to Seiko Concert. We are all very excited about it ?
- Saitama
- Osaka (We managed to get Arena, and it is 4th row from the Stage)
        Ohh Gosh ! We are fainting !!!!! & we had prepare a gift for Seiko.

What is the Status of Hong Kong etc..... going to Seiko Concert.
Pls update.
