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Name: koji <E-mail>
Subject: Seiko left GPM?
Date: 2002/05/29 01:58:11

There is a rumor that Seiko and Sayaka
left Green Park Music.  In the official 
website (, their
names are deleted.
We are dying to know what is going on with
them.  I heard that Seiko is planning to 
establish her own company (again) with her 
brother.  I don't know if this is true or 
not, but this may be one of the biggest 
reasons why Seiko's Japan album is
Despite the fact, Seiko will start to
promote her single by showing up on
"Utaban", "Music Station", "Pop Jam",
"Hey Hey Hey", etc.
One more rumor...  Sayaka might leave
Don't know what to say..........