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Name: Shopgirl <E-mail>
Subject: HMV Talk Show & Jewel Box Live 2002
Date: 2002/06/09 17:59:42

Hi everyone.

Yesterday we had about 30min of Seiko at HMV, Shinjuku.
Contents were not as indepth compared to last year. It was strictly Promo
for the new single, the coming Tour and a little bit of publicity help for SAYAKA.
It was unfortunately more like a simple interview and a "talk-show".
This is a great capture of Seiko that I have not seen lately...

Key messages from Seiko during the HMV event:
1. Jewel Box Tour 2002
-This tour is probably THE live of her 23 years. Right from the beginning of the
live with the first song, Seiko says she is expecting all fans to go WoW. And
the same feeling will continue to the second song etc.
(Hmm... some fans are thinking that she is going to sing mainly her old songs...
I am only keeping my fingers crossed that there won't be any tracks from last
year's Love&Emotion nor anything to do with that HARADA SHINJI. hey, he has really
appeared too much PVs, on Stage, radio shows, magazines... good grief.)

2. New Japanese Album
-It is in the production stage... and it is going to be pops.
(I know this is going to be sad news for those who are yearning for ballads,
but hey so long as I won't see a H or S initials in the credits, I am not complaining.
I am keeping my fingers crossed.)

3. Area 62
-The Japanese version will only be sold at the tour locations and Flawless Seiko.

here are the links to pics.
