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Name: T i m <E-mail>
Subject: Re: Seiko VS Akina is the battle over ?
Date: 2002/06/13 13:15:50
Reference: msg/02486

Thanks HIRO for the translation.
How can the repoerter said that Seiko Singles can't sell.
So mean !!!!!!!

: (

Date:6/13/1998. HIRO 's message 

>Akina's new sigle debuted at No.20 and SEIKO's at No.29.
>So the paper says that Akina won over Seiko after all these 20 yrs.
>Seiko really wanted to make Sutekina ashita into top 20 this time, but she couldn't.  
>Akina gains her popularity again, however, Seiko can't really sell her 
>singles anymore...