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Name: Benjamin <E-mail>
Subject: Re: No.835
Date: 2002/06/15 00:52:29
Reference: msg/02492

Question:  How do you find out it is No.835?  I only see the Top 1000 icon.

Don't Panic.  Records in USA can slowly move up the chart.  There aren't 
many Asian artists who can have 3 USA releases.  The important point is 
we are here to support.  We don't know the final result yet.  We can
make a difference.  I haven't bought my copy yet.

As to Seiko versus Akina.  Do you remember I mentioned how important it 
is to buy in the first week!!!  Now stupid people are using the one week 
result to make up stories.  Once can't judge by one single.  Akina's 
single dropped to No. 50 (a big thirty notches) in the second week.
One can argue Seiko has a million seller , Missing You, while Akina
never has.  Anything, the ideal is to purchase all records in 
the first week of release so as to make a big impact in the future.
'Suteki na ashita''s chart results is much better than Ai Ai Ai,
and we should look forward to the next one which should be better.
