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Name: Benjamin <E-mail>
Subject: Area 62 - promotion?
Date: 2002/06/28 19:23:08

Dear Fans,

I'm sure all who bought Area 62 would agree that this CD has great potential.  But the question is 'How can we introduce Seiko and Area 62 to US and International music fans ?'

I can think of the following sources:-

1) CD on sale
2) Radio air play
3) MTV or VHI airplay
4) Club play
5) Single release

Here is my response to the sources based on my short stay in Hawaii.

1) I'm very disappointed that the CD is NOT on sale.  Area 62 is selling 
at regular price of $18.99 at Tower Records, Honolulu.  You can say I'm a 
price conscious person, but the fact is even I as a Seiko Fan hesitated to
buy the CD at this regular price (of course I bought it).  The CD is 
NOT displayed in the NEW RELEASE section.  Even if someone happens to spot
this CD in the 'S' section, will somebody who doesnˇ¦t know Seiko risk 
$18.99 to give it a listen?
2) I have a 15 year old cousin and he listens to hard rock and rap songs, 
not too much into dancing tracks.  In the few days I spent in Hawaii I 
listened to radio stations often.  I don't hear many dance tracks getting 
air play.  Cute and dance tracks are not main stream.  Hard rock and rap 
tracks are often heard.  Kylie Minogue may be an exception.  The song was 
No.1 in UK and other countries before it reached the States and she 
is international superstar.
3) It is the same in MTV playlists.  Not too much dance tracks.  As for VHI
, it is for soft rock.  I don't think 'All to you' fits into radio, MTV and 
VHI format.  I think 'Ave Maria' has a better chance for MTV.  My second 
choice is 'Downtown Tokyo'.  'Never need another' is equally good!
4) 'All to You' is a cute and dance track and it should be targeted for 
Club play.  I hope Universal can have more promotion.
5) Single to Album sales ratio is 2:100 according to a music magazine.  
CD Single sales dropped 62% year-to-date from last year.  That's a big 
drop whereas CD only drop 9%.  Is it true that 'All To You' will be released 
as a single?

All in all, if we want Area 62 to succeed and 'All to You' is the target 
song, strong promotion in Pop and dance-oriented radio stations and Club 
Play are the best bet.  Otherwise, with the CD selling at regular price and
not displayed in the NEW RELEASE section, I doubt if the sales figure will
be good.  This is especially bad as 'Area 62' is such a good CD, but fans
in the US may not have a chance to get introduced to 'Seiko'.

My opinion is limited to my short stay in Hawaii, USA.  I'd love
to hear from other Seiko Fans in other parts of the States.  If
anybody see 'All to You' in Billboard's Club Play chart, please do share
the good news to us!  
