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Name: Eric <E-mail>
Subject: promotion
Date: 2002/07/03 05:12:09

I was in a club in Seattle and there were 5 Seiko Area 62 posters on
the walls. And next to each of them, there was a smaller Kylie Minogue 
posters. However the club did not play any Seiko songs, and I don't think
they will. I listened to the CD and I have to say that it has a very slim
chance to break into the US market. Quality of songs is important, Seiko
should use better songwriters. Also she should use big name producers/remixer 
to produce /remix the songs. A lot of foreign artists made a name because of 
good remixes. Victor Calderone, Hex Hector, Thunderpuss.... When people 
download free music, a lot of them just search by these names. If Seiko
has songs remixed by them, she can get her name out there. I don't think 
her management knows what they are doing.