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Name: koji <E-mail>
Subject: Promotion In San Francisco
Date: 2002/07/08 05:11:25

I missed it!  But, "Area 62" and "All To You" were
promoted in San Francisco Asian Gay Club called 
Crouching Tiger on Friday the 5th.
I heard that there were Seiko's posters all
over the club, and they were giving away
promotion single CD of "All To You".

I cannot believe that I missed it, but Seikoism 
is slowly, but surely invading the U.S. gay
dance floor!

By the way, I've listened to "All To You" club mix
by StoneBridge.  It is very house and dark.  It
is almost different song from the one in the album.
I'm sure that it'll move a lot of dancing shoes
to the dance floor!
