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Name: SgFan <E-mail>
Subject: Re: A l l t o Y o u
Date: 2002/07/20 10:23:34
Reference: msg/02541

Hi everyone!

Just to find out... is Area 62 available in Sg already? I have not been 
updating myself at places like HMV these days as their prices (for JPop imports)
are simply ridiculous.



P.S.. looking forward to Seiko's new Japanese album.... anyone got any news
about the content?

Date:7/18/1998. T i m 's message 

>Dear Seiko Fan,
>I am in love with Area 62 Album.
>It is an excellent album. I listened many many times.
>For song No.1 ~ All to you
>Seiko says something in Japanese.
>"Watishi no mai ..............  (and i dun know anymore, too soft) 
>Can someone write down in Romaji & translate in English, PLEASE !!!
>Thanks a lot !