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Name: Shopgirl <E-mail>
Subject: "Jewel Box" Turning Point (To Aloha)
Date: 2002/07/21 09:08:49

Hi Aloha,
I was at Sendai just this week and the second night of Sendai's shows on the 
7/18 was a big turning point for the entire tour. The following show at@Hokkaido
last night even surpassed the one at Sendai too.

It is not that the contents of the show had changed, the horrendous band is still
very much there, but the rapport between Seiko and the fans have somewhat gotten
much better.

I will write more after the entire tour. But I was very glad that I had made it
to Sendai afterall. That bonus one piece was almost miraculous for me. A piece
and a moment that will live in me for a long long time... and is especially significant
in a time like this when I/we fans are/were disappointed by most of the
releases and performances the last couple of years.
