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Name: aloha <E-mail>
Subject: Re: "Jewel Box" Turning Point (To Aloha)
Date: 2002/07/24 11:26:41
Reference: msg/02547

Yes, I bet Haradashinji's Fans will get freak a ristic, too.
You know, my high school is same as Shinji! Yes! Minami koukou!!!
I have forgotten about this until you had told me...
Oh....... The concert gonna be even more fun for me as I had imagined.
Thank you for your information !
Good luck for you, too!!! 

Date:7/22/1998. Shopgirl 's message 
>>My ticket is for July 27th in Hiroshima, 
>Hiroshima's hall has one of the best if not the best sounds I have experienced
>so far. The hall is also small so it really does not matter where you sit.
>You got it made... and if you are a fan of Harada Shinji too, you would be
>delighted that because it is his home town, he (and his fans) are usually even
>more "loud" than normal. (^^;;;)
>Enjoy the sounds, get the 28th ticket too... Seiko is on a roll...:p