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Name: Smiley <E-mail>
Subject: Album promotion in the U.S.
Date: 2002/07/26 23:55:00

Dear Seiko fans in the U.S.:

Have you been to your local record stores lately?  
Do they carry the album?  Are there any special 
promotion / display for it? 

I live in NYC and I was so excited the day before
yesterday to see Virgin Mega Store at Union Square
(downtown) not only had 9 albums in Rock/Pop/Soul
section, but also approx. 50 copies were in the 
special display shelf titled "Under the Radar - 
Emerging Artists You Should Know" together with 
several other new artists near the front entrance.  
(I could not listen the album, though) 

Koji in SF wrote in a Japanese site that he saw
yesterday at Tower Records that the album was placed
on the higher shelf above the regular place. [you know 
what I mean if you are familiar with the store, right?] 
To his surprise, the album was even placed on a highly 
visible display shelf near the cashier titled "If You 
like this,you should check this out" together with Kylie 
Minogue's Fever.

I hope Area62 will be a big hit like Kylie's in the U.S.
this summer.