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Name: Tim <E-mail>
Subject: Rumors swirl of a third marriage for Seiko Matsuda
Date: 2002/08/05 14:20:41

Former pop queen Seiko Matsuda, 40, 
is back in the news again due to rumors that 
she is planning to get married for a third time.

Matsuda, who was the darling of the pop world in the 1980s, 
was first married to actor Masaki Kanda and then a dentist. 
The tabloids had a field day after she divorced the dentist, 
speculating that the reason was the new man in her life 
— her music producer Shinji Harada, 43, 
who divorced his wife of 20 years.

Show business reporter Masaru Nashimoto says; 
"Harada has been denying for the last two years that there 
is anything going on between himself and Matsuda but 
everyone knows different. 
This time, he himself announced his divorce in a women's 
magazine just after Matsuda's tour, so who knows?"

To try and find out, Shukan Post interviewed Harada's ex-wife.

Did your divorce from Harada have anything to do with Seiko Matsuda?
She's not the reason. We had already decided to divorce before the affair.

How did you react when you found out about the affair two years ago?
I just hoped it wouldn't be serious. I didn't want things to get out of hand. That's all I want to say about this.

Although Harada denies an affair, it's pretty obvious he and Matsuda have a special relationship, says show business writer Kozo Inoue. 
"Seiko has returned to her former management office and Harada 
helped negotiate it. I'd say he has a very strong influence in her family." (Translated by Mika Saruya)