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Name: Shopgirl <E-mail>
Subject: Re: Music
Date: 2002/08/06 07:44:49
Reference: msg/02571

Thanks Tim for the feedback.
This article was a direct translation of what was in one of those tabloid mag/newspapers.
I don't give much attention to this but what Mike wrote about holds truth. 

>He is a "hack" performer...not a great musician, no "soul"...with Shinji it's all
>about computers and studio tricks and his finished songs lack any heart or
>warmth. Take the heart away from Seiko and you have a career that's destined
>for a downward spiral. 

>Like it or not, Seiko is telling all of you "Shinji is here
>to stay." So much for any questions about Seiko listening to her fans or
>caring about what they have to say. 

I am hearing this same sentiment everywhere from both the local fans and overseas fans 
for two years, only this time it has become even louder and "actions" taken... 
eg. walking out during the show etc.

The "soul" in Seiko's music, in Seiko Lives, definitely thinning.
There could be alot of hidden issues surrounding her, I don't know. But I do 
know that the direct connect between Seiko and her audience is only through her 
music and her live shows. And these are the only channels that we, fans or not,
will be influenced in our perception of her, her music and all that she has 
worked for since 1992 Nouvelle Vague.
