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Name: Simon <E-mail>
Subject: Music
Date: 2002/08/06 23:03:01

Hi Shopgirl and everyone

You are all right in your own way.
Tabloids- it's just that, don't read too much into it.
As long as Seiko is happy, what she does in her own life
is none of our business. But her music is very important
to us and when that suffers, we get very disappointed.
But as an artist, sometimes she must stand up for what
she believes. That's all. Maybe most of us don't like
Shinji that much, but I'll take him over Alan Reed any
day. I am sorry, I can't stand the guy, he doesn't even
have enough talent to walk the stage Seiko is on. And
you know what Koji, I always thought that he was 
amusement park talent at best. I am sure Seiko will ride
through this.
