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Name: Siu Bee <E-mail>
Subject: Re: Music
Date: 2002/08/07 00:41:20
Reference: msg/02578

Hi Benjamin and all,

You still not get on bed yet?!

I like "All to you" very much, especially taking in the Japanese instrument,
it is really a "new inspiration".

When Hong Kong's newspaper mentioned about Seiko and Sony's message, they
said the reason for the break is because Seiko's single does not sell.  
However, when I read the online Japanese newspaper, none of them mentioned 
about the sales of sudeki na ashita.  This is one of the examples that press 
makes the story they "assume" which is real.  I will say if they have a chance 
to see the long line waiting outside the concert hall for purchasing Seiko's 
albums poster, concert phamphlet...they would see everyone is holding at least 
one "Area62".  Who said Seiko's album does not sell.  Also, think even with the 
same scene, if it was in the 80s when Seiko was so popular in Japan, I am sure 
the story in newspapers would not be the same.  

Just want to say, if HS is the reason which created the arguement between Seiko 
and Sony, it is not worth!  I am still looking forward to see the Jewel Box
Live recording.


Siu Bee

p.s.thanks shopgirl for understanding of my pain.