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Name: Doogie <E-mail>
Subject: Seiko & Shinji
Date: 2002/08/07 04:11:52

Geeee, what a surprise!  (if it's true).

When I see Seiko, I see a very strong person, talented singer/actress, and in my opinion she also seems to be a good business person too (many of you might disagree with me).  Seiko is exactly how Simon put it "a goddess".

When I see Harada, I see someone who is struggling to keep afloat.  However, as much as we think he's milking the situation, I'm sure he really appreciates what Seiko has done for him.  

Perhaps Seiko has already achieved her personal goals and is now helping someone to achieve their own goals.....which is probably the most unselfish thing a person can do.  

Whatever the case may be, my hope is that she finds happiness in whatever
she decides to do.  Let's not let tabloids ruin it for us.  :)