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Name: Willie <E-mail>
Subject: Amazon Carries Area 62
Date: 2002/08/08 06:50:21

Hi all,

To take your mind off of the tabloid subject regarding Seiko and S.H. and
studio dispute (which I think will soon pass), you might be interested to know 
that a local radio station in Florida aired "All to You" on 93.3 FM this week. 
Too bad the D.J. did not mention about Seiko. It was played in the a.m. after 
Kylie Minogue's Fever. What a pleasant surprise!

I am wondering if other tracks are picked up by any radio stations that play
dance/house music. Here's an update on Seiko's album at the retail stores:

Bad news: Area 62 is removed from Wal-Mart stores and its Web site
this month. It was on back order for awhile. Not sure why. 

Good news: Area 62 is carried by in collaboration with Borders 
bookstore. You Seiko fans can drop positive feedback for her at:

Let's keep the faith and look forward to a successful debut of Area 62 in US/JP.

P.S. I can't find anything about Seiko's role in the new movie "Shade" 
starring Sylvester Stallone. Anything new to report, Shopgirl?