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Name: Shopgirl <E-mail>
Subject: Re: Amazon Carries Area 62
Date: 2002/08/08 07:45:31
Reference: msg/02582

Hi Willie,

>that a local radio station in Florida aired "All to You" on 93.3 FM this week. 
>Too bad the D.J. did not mention about Seiko. It was played in the a.m. after 
What great timing you had :p

At this moment it seems that "All to You" is the only track being focused,
which is not a bad thing really. There were a few local DJs who had started playing
"All to You" too. I am keeping my fingers crossed that it would be a one-week event.

Nothing on "Shade" and nothing official from Fantic too.
Anyway, Seiko in her concert did say that she had already done a few interviews
in the States. (Don't know if they were for Magazines or TV or Radio) 

Area62 was a steal from "Area 51" , and she used as she thinks that she is still
very much an alien to the West. 62, as she had explained to the US media, is 
supposed to be her "lucky number".... 
... although we all know what that is. :p

..LUCKY NUMBER, guys... nothing more. remember that.:p