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Name: nagg <E-mail>
Subject: Re: Amazon Carries Area 62
Date: 2002/08/08 18:39:34
Reference: msg/02584

LAUNCH also started to carry AREA 62.
For those who don't know LAUNCH, it is the U.S. based music mega site that 
you see if you click the category "music" on Yahoo U.S.A., where you can 
launch your own internet radio station playing your kind of music.
Before August 1, they did not carry any of Seiko's songs.  
But now they have all songs of Area 62 and I am listenig to Seiko's song
on my station everyday. Because I've rated Seiko, Area 62 and each song 100pts
(perfect), they are played very often.  And because I 've also rated Kylie Minogue and Cher very high, those who rated Kylie or Cher hear Seiko's songs
with a message that this song is recommended by other Kylie minogue fans.
I'm hoping this helps Seiko a little.
Launching your station and listenig to it doesn't cost a penny.
It is a good service really.  I recommend you all to launch your own and rate
Seiko haigh.