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Name: Tim <E-mail>
Subject: Re: Area62
Date: 2002/08/13 12:19:41
Reference: msg/02592

Dear Sgfan,

I'm Tim From Sinapore & till date there is still no respond from you.
I gave you my hp no, right ? 97356653 
You said you were busy and stuff like that.
I even extend my help wanting to help you purchase
the AREA62 during my trip to OSAKA but there is no reply from you.
Too bad... :( 
I have check it out with HMV Singapore & Tower Record S'pore,
non of them brining in Area62. 
I have a spare copy of AREA62 (US Press) but it is already open
(New Condition)** & if u want it, i can sell it to you at the purchase
price about SIN$40++.  
Can't sell you the Japanese press CD cos it is a collectors item.
It is not selling anywhere except in Seiko Flawless Shop.

Give me a ring / sms me if u wan it.

Rgds / Tim

Date:8/13/1998. SgFan 's message 

Dear all Seiko fans,

anyone here (esp. in Singapore) knows if there's anyway to get the Japanese
print of Seiko's Area62 (besides having to go to Flawless Seiko shop in Japan, of course)?

thanks a lot.

from Singapore : )