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Name: Benjamin <E-mail>
Subject: Re: Area62
Date: 2002/08/13 23:48:29
Reference: msg/02595

There's not much difference.  Only the lyrics, trading card and the usual 
paper wrapping on the cover.  The music is what's important.  Get the 
us version I suggest.

Date:8/13/1998. SgFan 's message 

>Hi Tim,
>Gosh.... i think you've got the wrong SgFan probably... i thot there were 2 of them the other time and there was a confusion then. I did not receive any msg or mail from you and of course did not mention that i am busy or that kind of stuff. Would have gladly accepted your offer bcos i preferred the Japanese press CD anytime. Actually, i have tried to enquire from cdjapan of getting this item as a special order but they are not able to fulfil my request. :(
>Anyway, glad to know a fan from Sg like you. (would you like to email me?)
>from Singapore
>Date:8/13/1998. Tim 's message 
>>Dear Sgfan,
>>I'm Tim From Sinapore & till date there is still no respond from you.
>>I gave you my hp no, right ? 97356653 
>>You said you were busy and stuff like that.
>>I even extend my help wanting to help you purchase
>>the AREA62 during my trip to OSAKA but there is no reply from you.
>>Too bad... :( 
>>I have check it out with HMV Singapore & Tower Record S'pore,
>>non of them brining in Area62. 
>>I have a spare copy of AREA62 (US Press) but it is already open
>>(New Condition)** & if u want it, i can sell it to you at the purchase
>>price about SIN$40++.  
>>Can't sell you the Japanese press CD cos it is a collectors item.
>>It is not selling anywhere except in Seiko Flawless Shop.
>>Give me a ring / sms me if u wan it.
>>Rgds / Tim
>>Date:8/13/1998. SgFan 's message 
>>Dear all Seiko fans,
>>anyone here (esp. in Singapore) knows if there's anyway to get the Japanese
>>print of Seiko's Area62 (besides having to go to Flawless Seiko shop in Japan, of course)?
>>thanks a lot.
>>from Singapore : )