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Name: nagg <E-mail>
Subject: Re: Moving up & whoops down!!
Date: 2002/08/14 23:18:56
Reference: msg/02589

All to you made debute at #1
in the StoneBridge's club chart.
I found this chart at his official HP
but I don't know what this chart is about.
It maybe a chart to tell
which StonBridge products are doing well right now.
Anyway, #1 is #1.

One more chart info:
In the dance chart at,
Seiko's "all to you" was at 15th last week
but down to 17th this week.
This is the first downward chart action
for all to you as far as I know.
Isn't it a bad sign?
All to you hasn't debuted at Billboard yet.
Doesn't she need Maxi release?