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Name: Shopgirl <E-mail>
Subject: A little reminder to me
Date: 2002/08/21 22:31:37
Reference: msg/02600

Thank you Belinda.
Your note has reminded me why I am a fan of Seiko, her vocals, her music and what she represents,
and why Seiko is part of who I am.

As much as I want to, I cannot deny that success measured in numeric terms is critical. 
But at the end of the day, I am hoping that what matters is still ultimately 
those unquantifiable self-satisfaction, value of self-worthiness that comes out
of knowing what you want and working towards them, that warms the heart. 
How many would be discipline enough and daring enough to go for that.

I have respected Seiko on the latter (and I don't even if it was intentional on her part... hahaha)
and I am sure that no one will dispute that. But I certainly do hope that she 
has a team helping her put these two elements in a balanced, and manageable equation. 

For whatever it is worth, maybe it is my childhood fantasty, maybe my stupid alter ego, 
but I want to believe that there is a time for everything, and dreamers who do not 
just dream will get there eventually. OR that perhaps there is no "there" but all the rewards
are the little "magics" and "highs" we get every now and then as we go along. 

But on the other hand, I want to see a BIG BANG, and because I am a Seiko fan, if it didn't happen, 
I see it as a big shame ....we haved the perfect combination of the raw ingredients and the recipe
but just missed out on having the right tools to adjust the microwave to perfect the dish.
