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Name: Simon <E-mail>
Subject: Shopgirl is always right
Date: 2002/08/23 00:36:57

Hi everyone

I think that Shopgirl hit the bulleyes, the recipe and
ingredients are there, but the chef is not up to standard.
Yes, we all know that Japan is a giant Marketing machine.
One can make millions selling a rock if the marketing is
done right, especially in Japan. Mike is right, Seiko is
95% talent, 5% hype. When I watch Popjam every week, most
performers were probably discovered in Karaoke bars, 5%
talent and 95% hype. Seiko has all the tools, but she has
never found the right toolbox. From that amusement park
dancer, to HS, they are toolboxes that are too small. 

It's frustrating for us fans and I'm sure for Seiko as well.
Just sit back, put on your favorit Seiko CD and just let
her voice take us away. It'll work itself out and everything
will be fine.
