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Name: Eric <E-mail>
Subject: talent and tools
Date: 2002/08/23 05:58:44

Talking about talent and tools..... Seiko's talent is not a question.
I watched 2 DVDs this week '99 Zepp Tour' and "20th Party". I love
Zepp Tour, not only because I was there for 2 shows (thanks Shopgirl)
but the pure essence of Seiko. No fancy clothes, no dancers, no colorful 
backdrop and lights. Very simple, very close, and very clear.... and that 
is herself, her voice and her singing.
20th Party is a big production compared to Zepp tour. Unfortunately I
don't particular enjoy that big fancy show as much as the Zepp tour.
It proves one thing : most artists need millions $ to shine (see all
these cutting edge music videos from leading pop artist in US), a few
artist can shine on his/her own. Seiko is one of the rare ones. 
Tools: as much as Seiko is such a shining star, I do believe that Seiko
should have divert her energy and time on something more rewarding. I
strongly believe that there are a few productions that Seiko can do without. 
Afterall she is a commerical artist, but I can say that she (and/ or her partners
such as record company, management company) has been making mistakes all
along, whether they are inappropriate marketing strategy, reckless production
errors, unnecessary assignments.... those are the elements that stop Seiko
from getting bigger to what she deserves to be. Well, may be that's a waste of time,
maybe that's part of the course to success. We shall wait and see.