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Name: Doogie <E-mail>
Subject: Re: talent and tools
Date: 2002/08/23 21:55:59
Reference: msg/02607

Eric, don't forget about the other videos that
you still have to watch!   :)

Date:8/23/1998. Eric 's message 

>Talking about talent and tools..... Seiko's talent is not a question.
>I watched 2 DVDs this week '99 Zepp Tour' and "20th Party". I love
>Zepp Tour, not only because I was there for 2 shows (thanks Shopgirl)
>but the pure essence of Seiko. No fancy clothes, no dancers, no colorful 
>backdrop and lights. Very simple, very close, and very clear.... and that 
>is herself, her voice and her singing.
>20th Party is a big production compared to Zepp tour. Unfortunately I
>don't particular enjoy that big fancy show as much as the Zepp tour.
>It proves one thing : most artists need millions $ to shine (see all
>these cutting edge music videos from leading pop artist in US), a few
>artist can shine on his/her own. Seiko is one of the rare ones. 
>Tools: as much as Seiko is such a shining star, I do believe that Seiko
>should have divert her energy and time on something more rewarding. I
>strongly believe that there are a few productions that Seiko can do without. 
>Afterall she is a commerical artist, but I can say that she (and/ or her partners
>such as record company, management company) has been making mistakes all
>along, whether they are inappropriate marketing strategy, reckless production
>errors, unnecessary assignments.... those are the elements that stop Seiko
>from getting bigger to what she deserves to be. Well, may be that's a waste of time,
>maybe that's part of the course to success. We shall wait and see.