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Name: Siu Bee <E-mail>
Subject: Re: A little reminder to me
Date: 2002/08/26 17:20:47
Reference: msg/02604

Dear all,

I was out for a conference last week thus I am late to response on this
"Seiko is too old" topic.

Well, physically she may be yes, 40 years old but mentally and apparently her
appearance, does she really look like a 40 years old lady?!  Definitely NOT.

Seiko may be the most beautiful 40 years old lady you can find in the world.
As Belinda said, Seiko opened the door for all young Japanese singers.  However,
Even like Hikaru, who grew up in US, I do not think she can pronounce
as good as Seiko currently can, not to say Namie Amuro, I cannot imagine.

Seiko is really the one who leads the trend: she is the first one who got back
to her singer career after married; she is the first one who conquer US by
releasing English album, she may even be the first one who has negative news
with her foreign men...she got all the figures pointing at her saying she
is too crazy to do this and that...however, now you will see every one in
the Japanese entertainment world is doing what she had done and now they got
different remarks: who had said Namie a crazy person when she resumed her work
after gave birth to her son, she even gained the highest view rate when she
appeared in Red White that time...

Hee....don't know what to say but may be just a 'laugh".

Siu Bee