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Name: Mike from S.C. <E-mail>
Subject: Re: eXtra
Date: 2002/08/27 00:43:45
Reference: msg/02612

Hi everyone,

Extra has a Web Site that is not exactly up-to-date, but here's the link to
their "news archive" page:

and this is the main page:

I was flipping channels and actually watched part of the show this weekend but
missed Seiko. The show was really, really, REALLY had
Simon Cowell from "American Idol" in a segment that was supposed to be funny
but sort of went on forever. He seems to be the current "irritating celebrity,"
now that the "You're the weakest link...goodbye" lady has faded into oblivion.

Anyway...if you keep an eye on the Web Site something might show up. Also, as
we approach the end of "rerun" season, keep an eye out for the rerun of Seiko's
"King Of The Hill" (last season's one-hour finale)....DANSU!!!!

Best regards,


Date:8/26/1998. Simon 's message 

>Hi All,
>I missed the show! It is a daily show and I missed
>the Sunday one. It will be on 3 times today (Monday)
>and I'll try to catch it, hope it is replayed again.
>Then I'll let everyone knows what Seiko said.
>Maybe the show has a website.- Simon