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Name: koji <E-mail>
Subject: Re: eXtra
Date: 2002/08/27 11:48:46
Reference: msg/02615

Here you go, Shopgirl!

Seiko says...

I think it's great.  I have freedom
to do so many things.  Things I want to do.

Yes, it's difficult how to pronounce or understand
meaning of English words.  But, once you get
used to it, it's fun.

I think she is a great artist.  And I admire
her strength.  She always tries to do something
new, which is very important to artists.


Date:8/27/1998. Simon 's message 

>It's a daily show about the entertainment industry similar to
>E! and CNN. I watched the 5pm show- no Seiko. It's on again at 8PM
>It's probably the same show, just a repeat. I am so mad I missed it.
>Hope there will be something on the website soon.