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Name: Mike from S.C. <E-mail>
Subject: More on Seiko In The U.S.A.
Date: 2002/08/31 00:55:34

Hi everone,

Time Asia has an interesting article on Ayumi Hamasaki. 

"Like no J-pop star you've ever seen or heard, Ayumi Hamasaki rose 
to the top by controlling every aspect of her career and persona. 
Now she wants the world."

Here's the link:

Another quote:

"Like her megastar predecessors Seiko Matsuda, Akina Nakamori 
and Namie Amuro, Hamasaki's fame was spun out of the air by 
clever marketing."


"For all her popularity abroad, Hamasaki had never once set foot in any 
Asian country outside of Japan."

And from Ayumi herself:

"I pushed myself... even when it was impossible, I couldn't say so."

Sounds like she had to "Fight and Believe," eh? 

