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Name: Benjamin <E-mail>
Subject: Seiko in American TV
Date: 2002/09/05 00:10:52


Hot news from my friend in Seattle:

I watched something unexpected on TV this am!  It's on a cable channel
called CCTV4 - a production from Mainland Chinese TV for overseas American
Chinese.  There was an interview with Seiko about Area 62 and her
outstanding career as an artist!  I didn't get a chance to tape it, sorry

The interview was in English while the introductory remarks was in
Mandarin.  It says she has had an outstanding career for 20+ years and
Seiko mentioned Sayaka is very talented and that she's doing new
recordings of her music these days.  During the introductory remarks, they
play "All to you" continuously and showed many pictures of her.  I was
doing dishes (after breakfast) and therefore missed part of the interview.
