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Name: Benjamin <E-mail>
Subject: Re: It is #48 in Billboard!!!!
Date: 2002/09/10 23:57:22
Reference: msg/02642

Congratulations, Seiko San and Fans,

Finally in Billboard again.  Seiko hit Billboard with
'The Right Combination' in 1990 and according to us 
Fans 'Good For You' hit #38 in Dance Chart in 1996.
1) Is it a Japanese Import?  I did not find this
product available in Tower - Japan website?
2) If 'Good For You' hit Dance Chart, it wouldn't
be the first time.....

Anyway, these are just minor issues.  
Let's hope for a release of 'All to You' remix
either in US or Japan!
Let's hope for 'Downtown Tokyo' and 'Ave Maria',
release to follow which I personally think have
GREATER potentials to further penetrate the 


Date:9/10/1998. Shopgirl 's message 

>Hi everyone. Good news. The delayed entry of "All to You" is here, at #48 :)
>The very first Japanese import to ever hit the Billboard dance chart(!), the 
>combination of original and recently serviced Stonebridge remixes account for 
>this week's #48* Debut - just one in a series of successful weeks in America for Asia's #1 recording artist who, by the way, will be joining us aboard the PRO MOTION Yacht Cruise around New York on October 1st during the BB DMS.
>SUGGESTIONS: "Light to Medium", "Medium to Heavy" conversions and new ADDs to the NEW STONEBRIDGE REMIXES! 
>I am hoping that the next remix (hopefully "Downtown Tokyo") would be released soon.
>Any of you guys out there know that this PRO MOTION Yacht Cruise is all about?
>For DJs only??!?