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Name: Siu Bee <E-mail>
Subject: Re: Seiko Famous in China ?
Date: 2002/09/26 12:30:42
Reference: msg/02658

Dear Koji,

Is it?!  That was reported by "Apple Daily".  Well, this newspaper group
does not get good trust from readers now.  May be they picked something
real and then made up the rest of the whole story :-(

But it is true that Seiko is famous even that was San Francisco's China Town.


Siu Bee

>Hi Siu Bee,
>Shanghai Love Song PV was shot at China Town in San Francisco,
>not in Shanghai.  The newspapre must have mixed up with
>something else.
>Date:9/25/1998. Siu Bee 's message 
>>Hi Tim,
>>Seiko was in Shanghai when she made the "Shanghai Love Song" video in year 2000.  According to newspaper reports, she was surrounded by many fans and almost all are female Chinese.  Seiko was wearing a pink traditional Chinese
>>dressing, very beautiful.  However, that was too bad that the MTV was not 
>>included in her Love DVD and only a few shots showed at the 20th Party Concert
>>when she sang "Shanghai Love Song".
>>Siu Bee