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Name: Mike from S.C. <E-mail>
Subject: "Partners" On "The Movie Channel" in October
Date: 2002/10/06 12:46:53

Hi everyone,

Seiko's movie "Partners" is on the cable / satellite station "The Movie Channel"
all through October, on these dates: 10/5, 10/16, 10/20, 10/25. It's shown
multiple times on each of those days so check your local listings. It's 
Saturday night 10/5 as I write this and it's on in 15 minutes...:-)

Even though I have the DVD, I can't resist watching Seiko on U.S. TV...and
even though her voice in the movie was dubbed by another actress (some of it?
all of it? I don't know), she is GORGEOUS in the movie, has a GREAT "bad girl"
part, and is on screen a LOT.

