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Name: Mike from S.C. <E-mail>
Subject: Re: Partners
Date: 2002/10/07 11:24:54
Reference: msg/02673

Hi Shopgirl and all,

No, not pulling your leg. Seiko was absolutely gorgeous in the movie. She played
a really bad "bad girl" would not bring this girl home to meet mom. The
script and acting were TERRIBLE. It was directed by JOEY TRAVOLTA...give me a

But, did I mention that Seiko is GORGEOUS and on the screen A LOT? And it seemed
like she was having FUN doing it...even if she wasn't, it seemed that way.

The one movie which I consider a total embarassment to Seiko is Sweet Evil /
Surrogate Mother. The scene where she is looking at herself and her husband in
the mirror and pondering their future child and says "I wonder if he will have
your nose"...when she says that line I can feel my stomach lining involuntarily
clench. That Seiko would be married to the guy from "My Sister Sam" (David
Naughton) is a joke in itself. 

And then, the TELEVISION performance which is the TOTAL EMBARASSMENT of ALL
TIME for Seiko: "The Big Easy." Seiko as a mail-order bride who got sent to the
wrong guy...who gets her and DOESN'T WANT HER? And her famous line "You should
really try some of my catfish sushi??????" Seiko, in this guy's back yard,
tending her ZEN ROCK GARDEN while he worries and frets about how he can send
her back to Japan, but just to show what a good sport she is she sings "Let's
Talk About It" in his bar before she goes home? So he finds out she is
beautiful, and can SING, and he STILL can't wait for her to GO HOME??????????

No, sorry...Seiko is sexy and beautiful and funny and as Simon mentioned blew
every other actor / actress in "Partners" right off the screen. Seiko should
be "Catwoman" in the next Batman movie. Seiko should replace Lucy Liu in the
next "Charlie's Angels." Seiko was born to be bad on film. And when she is
bad, she is very, very good. Seiko really IS the "Japanese Madonna" much
as I hate to admit it...tough, talented, full of attitude and at her best when
she is IN YOUR FACE...even in a bad movie directed by Joey Travolta.

Best regards,


Date:10/7/1998. Shopgirl 's message 

>No way... you guys are pulling my leg, aren't you...
>This is one movie which I think is an total embarrassment to Seiko...
>>Seiko was definitely the shining star of the
>>movie, she out-acts the other Hollywood regulars.
>>The voice dubbing is disappointing, she has shown
>>that she has great command of the English language.