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Name: Mike from S.C.
Subject: Re: #29 and movie
Date: 2002/10/11 11:23:29
Reference: msg/02682
Hi Benjamin and all,
You forgot one..."Drop Dead Gorgeous." Seiko's total screen time is about the
same as "Armageddon" (blink and you miss her) but it's still a Seiko
Best regards,
Date:10/9/1998. Benjamin 's message
>Yeh, I am so so excited. No.29!!!!!
>Universal records should start promoting this CD
>in Asia!
>So Seiko's foreign movie include:-
>Surrogate Mother
>Fatal Blade (I still have the VCD!)
>I think Fatal Blade is also a movie
>for cable TV. Is that true,Siu Bee?