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Name: Benjamin <E-mail>
Subject: We thank you Seiko
Date: 2002/10/13 16:15:12


Many of us are wondering when will be the release date of
the new CD.  Yes, I am looking forward to it.

But a side issue is we should thank you Seiko for bringing
us good music in the past 22 years without a break.  She
release a new album every year despite so many good and bad
news.  Even without a Japanese CD, Area 62 is her 'new' 
CD for us this year.  Think of any artists in any 
country, i.e. Celine Dion, Madonna, Anita Mui in HK, 
there is always a break period for them during their entire 
music career.  Let's not be disappointed if there is one of 
two so-so album.  She could have just disappeared for one year
and come back.  She did not choose this option as she knows
her fans are important to her.  Let's just say 'We thank you
