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Name: Tim <E-mail>
Subject: Re: We thank you Seiko
Date: 2002/10/13 23:38:11
Reference: msg/02694

Dear Ben,

I am touch by what you wrote.
Yah you are right ! Seiko is indeed very hard-working for the 
past 22 years. She is full of energy & spirit.
I guz the only time she took a break is during her maternity.  


Date:10/13/1998. Benjamin 's message 

>Many of us are wondering when will be the release date of
>the new CD.  Yes, I am looking forward to it.
>But a side issue is we should thank you Seiko for bringing
>us good music in the past 22 years without a break.  She
>release a new album every year despite so many good and bad
>news.  Even without a Japanese CD, Area 62 is her 'new' 
>CD for us this year.  Think of any artists in any 
>country, i.e. Celine Dion, Madonna, Anita Mui in HK, 
>there is always a break period for them during their entire 
>music career.  Let's not be disappointed if there is one of 
>two so-so album.  She could have just disappeared for one year
>and come back.  She did not choose this option as she knows
>her fans are important to her.  Let's just say 'We thank you