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Name: Mike from S.C. <E-mail>
Subject: Re: Hip-O records
Date: 2002/10/17 00:40:58
Reference: msg/02702


This "Seiko" is not Seiko Matsuda (or, as we like to call her, "OUR Seiko")..:-)

If you go to this page on Yahoo Shopping you'll see. The Stallions is the name
of the band. "Hey Baby It's The Stallions" is the name of their CD. It's not a
song title.

There are sound samples on the Barnes & Noble site too:

There are song clips you can listen to. There are a couple of members of the
band with Japanese-sounding names, but The Stallions seem to be just another
in a long, long, long line of bands that's following in the footsteps of The
Velvet Underground, who did it all first and better 35 years ago. It's a bunch
of New York kids with shaved heads and bad attitudes who got together with a
couple of Japanese friends and turned up all the amps and started screaming.
Makes you wanna run right out and buy it, eh? Apparently the band no longer
exists and this is their only CD. Looks like it narrows down their chances of
getting into the Rock & Roll hall of fame one day...ha ha haaaaa!

If you want GOOD New York alternative music with a couple of really talented
Japanese girls in the band, listen to Cibo Matto. One of the girls used to
be the "significant other" of John Lennon's kid Sean. They also have one CD
that for unknown reasons was recorded under a different name, "Butter 08." But
if you see the names Yuka Honda or Miho Hattori on any projects, check them

The "Other Seiko" also appears on a CD called "Natural Born Techno." The other
performers on this CD are Omicron, Black Lung, Delta Plan, Noshinto, Unit
Moebius, Yellowcake, and Dr. Numa. And no, they are not all superheroes from a
really bad Saturday morning cartoon show, they appear to be techno performers
who are having a little sing-a-long with their pal Seiko (not "OUR" Seiko)..:-)

I can see the interviews now: "Seiko, for your next CD, will you be
collaborating with your good friend and favorite person of all time, Shinji
"Shine" Harada?" SEIKO: "No, I'll be working with  Black Lung and Dr. Numa."


Best regards,


Date:10/16/1998. Shopgirl 's message 

>1.Does anyone have any luck in getting into the homepage??
>2.does"Hey Baby It's the Stallions" ring a bell to anyone? Seiko is supposedly to have
>been part of the background vocals to this (movie, song, tv drama???)