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Name: Mike from S.C. <E-mail>
Subject: Re: Seiko will not appear in this year's red white
Date: 2002/11/05 07:51:08
Reference: msg/02728

Hi Siu Bee and all,

What a shame! One of the nicest aspects of Seiko "making friends" with the
Japanese media a few years ago was the Red & White appearances (and Hey! Hey!
Hey!, Utaban, and all of the rest)!

If you go to Alta Vista's "BabelFish" translations page and type in Siu Bee's
URL below you can (sort of) get a Japanese-to-English translation. As you all
know, J-to-E or E-to-J translations are very complicated, but you'll be able
to get the basic meaning of the article if you don't read Japanese:

At the bottom of the article mentioned by Siu Bee, there is talk of the
Universal-Sony fiasco and the claim that Seiko will still issue a new J-album
at the first of the year:

"next year early it is the return 1st feature album it is sale schedule"

(now you see what I mean about the translations)...:-)

Finally, they mention the success of Area 62:

"29 rank was recorded with the dance 
club chart of the building board dated 19th. 
You say while rising, as of 
26 days it is the schedule which reaches 19 rank 
from 48 rank of 1 month ago."

Hey, it's better than looking at a screen full of Kanji you can't read, right?


Best regards,


Date:11/4/1998. Siu Bee 's message 

>Hi Sibelo, Benjamin, Malthus and all overseas Seiko fans,
>Seiko will not appear in this year's red white, even making a live broadcast
>from Osaka hall :-(
>Siu Bee