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Name: Benjamin <E-mail>
Subject: Mike's long message
Date: 2002/11/26 02:26:48

Dear all,

Many of us may remember Mike's long message on Seiko,
on how she makes her dreams come true and how she's
different from those one-or-two songs success.

I read his message again and can link with Seiko recent
success on 'All to You'.  Who would match an artist 
like Seiko?  At the age of 40 she still never give up
on her conquest in the US.  Who would imagine an 
foreign artist in this age hitting the Top 20 of 
Billboard chart?  But in her heart and in her music
she is telling us age is never a negative factor.
Although it is too earlier to tell, but I believe
artist like Hamasaki and Hikaru will probably be
out of the business in the 40s and takeover by 
the 'new' idols.
