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Name: Shopgirl <E-mail>
Subject: Re: Waiting.... Will it come?
Date: 2002/11/26 12:28:34
Reference: msg/02753

Mike and Benjamin,

I know what you guys are saying. I have exactly the same sentiments as you, as I also
see Seiko the way you do. These had made me a proud fan, and supporting her was also
a means of supporting the likes of her, her fans who love her for that, and myself too.

With each activity, release since 2000, I still find myself unintentionally identifying closely 
with the Seiko up till 1999 year end...where I saw in her music, her lives, her albums, PVs etc, 
a distinctive "Seiko-ness" of consistency and relentless strive for
quality and excellence.  

I long to hear and feel again, the "quality" and sheer "Seiko-ness" that could touch the hearts
the way no other singer could, in 
-songs: the likes of, "Kanashimi no Boat", "Sleeping Beauty", "Diamond Eyes", "Squall", "Fuyu no yosei", "ryusei naito"
-live performances atmosphere & energy: the likes of, Zepp and Vanity Fair
-live band, chorus: Zepp, Zepp, Zepp, Zepp
-PVs: the likes of, It's Style 1995
-Albums: the likes of, Forever, Kazetachinu, Love Ballad, Candy,  
-music arrangement: the likes of "Kanashimi no Boat", "I love You", "Daimond Eyes",
"December Morning", "Ebara no Echudo", "Please don't Go" (there is so much details in 
these songs yet so subtle you dont even know it! Puts to shame all self-proclaimed
arrangers who tries to do everything. There is no substitution for specialization)
-lyrics: anything but the likes of "Believe" of Love&Emotion
-pictures: concert pamphlet 1992,1999 covers.

"Area 62" album, the NTV's "Fun" medley performance, and Biteki, are the only exceptions
of the Seiko that had delivered the "Seiko quality" in the last three years, my little sparks of hope.

Because we all know the miraculous gift of Seiko's vocals, and what she is capable of,
for better or worse, her fans would never be satisfied with anything lesser than
top-top genuine producers, writers, etc who could bring out the distinction of what singer-Seiko is. 
She has a gift of singing originals of others like her own, and putting the originals to shame. 

To put it simply, if a song is made for Seiko's calibre, you will know that the mood of the
song and the meaning/ nuance of the songs would never be quite there if it was sung by someone else.
To me that is why I am still listening to all the CDs that I have heard prior 2000.

Between 1980 till 1999end, there has already been so many "The record" "The live" "The song" made already.
I hope to hear new ones, once more..... She is 40 and I am 30s, I still need many many
inspirational songs to keep me going the other remaining half of my life. :)
