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Name: Yaji <E-mail>
Subject: Re: CDL To be broadcast
Date: 2002/12/03 04:25:39
Reference: msg/02768

Hi all,

Thanks for the info nagg.

But in Japan, the Labour Standards Law says;

# (Night Work)
# Article 61. An employer shall not employ a person under 18 full years of age between 10 p.m. and
# 5 a.m.; however, this shall not apply to males over 16 full years of age employed on the shift system.  (English) (Japanese) 

So I don't think Sayaka would be able to perform on the Count Down Live...
I wonder if there is an exception, or you have a good idea???

Yaji from F.B.Tokyo

Date:12/2/2002. nagg 's message 

>Date:12/1/2002. Shopgirl 's message 
>I'm glad.
>>This is great new nagg. Thanks.
>She's just become 16 so no worry.
>>ps. I thought Sayaka would be underage by Japanese law to be involved in any showbiz related activities after 9 or 10pm?