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Name: Benjamin <E-mail>
Subject: Re: Seiko on Chinese Newspaper
Date: 2002/12/07 01:58:01
Reference: msg/02772


Dear Editor,

I am a super seiko fan.  I think in recent years the press only report 
Seiko's private life and forget about her 23 year contribution and 
in the music scene.  For example, when she released her third CD in
the States, since there was no big promotion, the press immediately 
reported that it is a failure.  But when the first song 'All to You'
became the No. 19 song in the well-known's Billboard Dance Chart,
there was no report.

We heard that because Seiko has switched to another record company,
the old one, Universal, did not increase its promotion efforts.  
Fans really feel sorry for Seiko.  I have 2 questions and hopefully
will receive a reply from you.

1) Will the US version of 'Area 62' be available in HK?
2) Will Universal release an Asian Version of 'Area 62'?



1) Because 'Area 62' is produced by US's Hip O Records, HK
has no agent.  Therefore, this CD will not be released in

2) In the immediate future, there will not be an Asian 
version either.  I suggest you go to the shops specialised
in Japanese CD in Sino Centre and place a direct order.


Date:12/3/1998. Shopgirl 's message 

>That looks like an excellent piece of article, which Seiko herself could use for herself.
>Can you translate it?