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Name: Mike from S.C. <E-mail>
Subject: "Just For Tonight" arrives at Tower
Date: 2002/12/21 07:16:57

Hi everyone,

Well, I've been checking, and today I found Seiko's "Just For Tonight" single
at Tower Records. As you might have guessed, I've already posted a giant
(12 inch x 12 inch) scan on SMF Phase III.

Whoever designed the artwork did something really strange...the top of the "O"
in "Seiko" is chopped off, like it was at the top of the picture and they
moved it down and forgot to fix it. It looked so bad that I chose it as the
place to put my "SMF" logo in the scan.

The back of the CD is a close-up of Seiko wearing the white "Area 62" jacket,
cropped between her waist and knees. The CD booklet is not a booklet, just a
single-sheet piece of paper 4.75 x 4.75 inches with the photo you'll see on
SMF III. The reverse side is blank white.

That's it for artwork. No liner notes or artist / songwriter /
producer credits...just the list of tracks.

I hope you like it. The photo is one that's used in Seiko's 2003 Calendar
(see Shopgirl's earlier post for a link to photos from that)... 

Best regards,
