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Name: Simon <E-mail>
Subject: Seiko Suite
Date: 2003/03/06 06:11:56

I was enjoying music last night, and I decided to take out the
precious Seiko Suite box set for a listen. Of course, first I
wash my hands so as not to dirty any part of it :-)
Now you must realize that I have never really listen to the CDs
before, I mean I have all the songs on various CDs, I only looked
at the booklet. But to my surprise, these 7 CDs are by far the
best sounding quality discs. Some Seiko CDs sound bad, I don't
mean the material, but the quality of sound, to the point that
I can only listen in a car or with a portable player, but not
on a average quality HiFi system. These ones are great sounding,
I listened to 3 CDs before I realized it was 3:30 am and should
get some sleep. Which points out the fact that a lot of care was
put into this box set of 20th anniversary, even the rematering of 
the CDs, this makes me appreciate the box even more. Now if I 
can get some cotton gloves to wear when I handle it.