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Name: Doogie <E-mail>
Subject: Re: Call for participation
Date: 2003/03/12 05:53:31
Reference: msg/02832

Tight leather pants during a summer tour??.. no wonder his voice
sounds so strange!

Date:3/11/1998. Siu Bee 's message 

>Dear Seiko fans,
>Seiko's summer concert tour schedule is out, starting from June 15 to
>August 1.  Total 19 shows.  Anyone is interested to participate in the
>SOF concert tour group, please give me a shout.
>I cannot guarantee a ticket or good seat...just want to share the happiness
>with all Seiko fans that seeing a live Seiko concert equals to a sweet dream
>comes true and of course our support to Seiko!
>Best regards,
>Siu Bee
>P.S. Shopgirl, let's hope for this year's show:
>- no thousand layer's cake dress
>- no such guy...wearing tight leather trousers, playing with his guitar,
>  twisting himself and singing "wow..."