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Name: Doogie <E-mail>
Subject: Re: Seiko's message 2003
Date: 2003/03/17 05:01:17
Reference: msg/02835

Thanks Shopgirl for passing this along.
At least we know that Seiko has been listening to what her fans like
and what they don't like.  I hope Seiko realizes that we're not insulting her
for her efforts, but rather trying to guide her to concentrate on what made her so successful in the past.


Date:3/16/1998. Shopgirl 's message 

>Hi everyone,
>Here is a translation from Seiko's newsletter. It was a reply from Seiko on her
>message to her fans in year 2003:
>".... I intend to continue to try out new things, and I hope that all of you
>would be looking forward to the new me. I have often received comments from 
>fans each time I do something new, eg "This new album is not good!" "This is 
>not Seiko Matsuda!". But I am not changing even when I try out new things. 
>Challenging myself to do something different, something new every time is just  
>part of me. Therefore I do feel very lonely when I hear rejections and comments 
>like "I do not like this Seiko!" especially when I have had put in so much 
>effort. I really hope that my fans will take a broader perspective and accept 
>this part (doing something different) of me. 
>It is not only me but for anyone else too, that it takes alot of pain and 
>efforts to do something new even though we do not show it on the outside. 
>Therefore, while I am happy to hear comments like "I like the Seiko when she 
>sings all the happy songs" as I also personally like it, but I want to do and 
>try out other things as well."
>I don't know how you might want to interpret this, but if I have a chance to 
>speak to Seiko, I would say "I have supported and respected you in your efforts 
>to take up challenges etc. This has not change and will not. But either will my 
>belief that you would be able to one day find your passion to sing from your 
>heart and bring back the Magic of Seiko and Seiko Live once again. If I had to 
>choose between being blind or deaf, I would choose the latter because I cannot 
>forget how moved I was when I heard you sing on TV in the FUN program in 2001. 
>Singers may be very much like sportsman and have their so-called peaks. But in 
>that short 5min where there were only a piano, a microphone, Matsutoya, you and 
>a whole whole lot of pride and passion, you showed the world that you were a 
>class of your own even at 39. I certainly do not know what lead to the 
>performance in the Red and White you last appeared in and/or what happened to 
>the "Seiko at FUN" ....for I never could experience that since."
>Am I disappointed? Am I indifferent? Am I moved? It doesn't matter. I am back 
>to Seiko Suite, a mastery of remastering digital and indepth research and effort
>at its best... I am back to "Koisuru Omoi", "Kanashimino Boat" etc... I am back 
>to FUN, to ZEPP... 
>I am praying very hard that Sony would remaster all the albums, singles, lives 
>up too ZEPP... even it it meant having to hear another HS produced album and 
>lives. There is plenty of good materials already that I am really thankful for, 
>even if I may never experience the Seiko Magic ever again.