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Name: Siu Bee <E-mail>
Subject: Re: Seiko's message 2003
Date: 2003/03/17 14:09:38
Reference: msg/02837

Dear Shopgirl, Doogie, Mike and all Seiko fans,

I and I am sure you and even may be Seiko herself, will be so touched when
seeing all these few messages.

Seiko is wrong: she is not alone!  We are all here to support Seiko's 
passions and efforts on making good music.  We also support her 
willingness to try "new things", no matter it may be good or bad.
However, while seeing the obvious mistakes, the brave to put a "fullstop" 
is also very important before it will further damage Seiko's career!  
Yes, there must be some hard feelings but it is useless to help changing the
situation!  In the meantime, there is nothing really new when we listened 
to the recent albums.  Most of the works gave no surprise at all!
I fully agreed on Mike that "Forever" was the last "great" album, so as the
concert that year!  It was really bad for the press to say only on the
negative thing about whether Seiko would still get the contract with
Universal Mercury or on her second marriage!  Why couldn't be anything on
the great performance on this album?  Well, it is Universal's fault, I still
cannot forgive how bad they did on the "Koisuru Omoi ~ Fall in Love" single:
coupling with "I love you", no promotion as well as released after the album.
What a shame on their marketing work!

We not only like to hear "Happy songs", we also like to hear "Sad songs", at
least I am.  I still remember how comfortable my sad heart was when I heard 
the song "Totally in love with you" in the Eternal album.

We all love Seiko Matsuda; just not like a Seiko being part of someone else
(HS Seiko) or a Seiko being confused...

I am looking forward to seeing a new Seiko in the coming album and this
summer concert!

Love from Siu Bee